"blatantly throwing ones sexual favors in the general direction of another"
"i was literally sling-shotting _myself_ at him."
by kayla M. May 1, 2007
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1. A plant from Plants vs. Zombies 2 which catapults out 5 peas at zombies closest to your lawn on the left, but has full range and takes sometime to unload the peas out for maximum burst damage.

2. (Jocular or Informal) A wicked or foolhardy person.
"My Sling Peas are doing so good at taking down Zombies when I spam this fella on the battlefield!"

"Stop acting like a sling pea!"
by Otheruser325 January 21, 2023
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When you're so blazed you feel like climbing a tree.
He was so smoked up he had to sloth sling!
by Hash Purple February 7, 2018
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Sure it goes without saying I wasn't about to sling some yoghurt on an unconscious womans feed
by Snode February 19, 2023
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A device that holds a woman's vagina in place.
Hey Jamie your vagina looks spectacular in that new clam sling.
by King of the Clam June 30, 2013
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Did you see that girl in class wearing that butt sling? I could almost see her cameltoe.
by AL-ANON October 3, 2006
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communication between two people in quick succession (generally, a real time discussion) via IM, text message, e-mail, or some other form of text-only communication.

This term is often used as a contrast to other kinds of communication such as a phone call, skype video conference, or just getting up and walking over to your buddy's dorm room.
Guy: Hey, babe, I've been at my computer all day working on my paper that was due tonight, I really don't feel like slinging text around right now.
by djh2600 October 19, 2010
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