Someone that has sex with ugly women when they are having their period.
"Wanna have sex?"
"No, i'm having my period"
"Even better!"
"Ah sick, you are such a Dirty Dipper!"
by Spilox April 23, 2009
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When a girl drinks too much and gets horny and giggles nonstop while telling everyone how much she loves them
She’s a dirty Evelyn after a sip of wine
by ohboy3 April 25, 2020
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Yo nigga! No way you just dirty souped my toilet!
by Poopsnitch69 January 8, 2023
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A suburban hell located in the lower Hudson valley of New York. Here, kids are either outrageously spoiled or high on some illegal substance. They either smoke it on the trail in the woods behind the school or just in plain sight, because it is Dirty Dobbs, who cares.
Bro #1: Dude did u see that girl at the mall, I think she is from Dirty Dobbs. She brought a Burberry coat to school and said it was ugly than gave it to some rando.

Bro #2: No sorry bro, I was too busy dealing some weed to 6th graders.
by BirthaTheWhale April 23, 2019
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The act of ejaculating on a food item (typically a burrito) and throwing it at your friends car.
After a night of partying, someone gave Greg a Dirty Bullocks
by troy horrowitz February 25, 2012
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The dirty buga is when you are asleep in front of the general store and several gipsies try to cum in your ear without waking you up.
I have seen the gipsies from the tent giving john a dirty buga las night after he fell asleep in front of the store waiting for it fo open
by BogusAnalus June 7, 2020
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When a male performs cunnilingus on a female, he gently blows air into the woman's lady parts, and in return takes a queef to the face. Dirty Hairbears are best enjoyed when the recipient's snatch is grimy and hairy. Although the Dirty Hairbear is an enjoyable experience for both, it is not recommended that it is done in the 69 position.
Was created by Hairbear, thus explaining the name of this position.
Person 1: Did you hear about Bree?
Person 2: No. What happened?
Person 1: She got a Dirty Hairbear!
Person 2: From Who?
Person 1: The Hairbear himself!
Person 2: Wow! How lucky!
by The Hairbear March 12, 2013
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