A question to ask a friend if they are alright and can continue to hangout after they got hurt.
My friend ran into the door and hit his arm the other day so I asked him “can you play?” to make sure he was still cool to go out.
by AddieRose January 7, 2021
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Diplomatic way of telling a customer to go and fuck themselves. Used most often by Customer Service staff to deflect from a request to fix a service breakage or deficiency by describing what is usually an elaborate and inconvenient way for the customer to work around the breakage.
"I cannot pay you online."

"Oh you can just call us, follow the voice prompts, type in your phone number, credit card number, expiry date, last three digits and amount into your phone keypad, and pay that way."

"Did you just tell me to go fuck myself?"

"We sure did. Anything more we can help with today?"

"No, that was it, thank you."
by jillmcpail June 8, 2022
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A thing most black parents say when their kid is misbehaving either in public or at home
Mom: Go do the damn dishes its been 3 hours
Child: Why do i have to listen to you?!
Mom: Well I put you in this world and I can take you right outta it
by isa6elita August 25, 2022
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That dang thing baldi stuffs in your face when you try getting your science notebook
Baldi: *Stuffs The You Can Think Pad in his face*
by HelloImDavid June 23, 2023
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What you smilingly tell someone in a penitent tone before you reveal a (usually fairly minor) piece of unwelcome news, such as that you and he will have to disassemble an entire portion of a device that you're working on because you belatedly noticed/realized that part of it needs to be repaired or altered.
Achmed the Dead Terrorist (assisting Jeff Dunham in assembling a set of metal shelves): What are you doing? I keel you! Why are you taking apart the entire bottom section like that after we labored so long putting in all those screws?!??
Jeff Dunham: Sorry, Achmed --- I realized that we put the wrong shelf in the bottom position; the unit will be sturdier if we use the correct shelf down here. Just bear with me for now, please --- you can "keel" me later, after we're done.
by QuacksO October 16, 2020
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What Urban Dictionary Asks You To Do (You Don’t Have To) After You Wrote A Definition.
Can You Help Us With This? I Can’t Decide Add It Keep Out
by WasTotallyBornOnApril8 December 2, 2020
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