Reese is the finest boy ever made from a sperm cell. He is a cool,amazing spellar, good at math, has the best girl, always with be cool, you dont want smoke with him. And is the best person ever.
Reese is so hot , I love his 8 pack, he can bench 300 pounds, and is so rich.
by HiItsMeMyGuy October 15, 2019
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A perfect guy. Not only does he love dirt bikes, but he also loves being around his girl. He will support her 24/7 and never make her feel unwanted. If you have a Reese, hold on to him and never let go.
Reese is very talented on a CR500.
by Wildfire Chick December 10, 2018
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Reese is and amazing and sexy human being. She will always be there for you when you need her. Even though she isn’t boy crazy she will fall in love once in awhile.
Boy 1: Yeah, that’s Reese, the hottest girl in the school!
by Nsndjjdsnkdnckcjxkcjxk April 15, 2020
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Reese is very cool. Their fashion sense is awesome and they like cool things. Being around them makes you feel so happy because you know they won't judge you. 💪
Person 1: ayo who's that really awesome cool person?

Person 2: oh yeah that's just Reese, they have very good taste.
by graydismay November 22, 2021
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Reese is a really straightforward skaterboy. He dont't care bout what no one says, except that one boy he likes. People call him rude, an asshole, but he couldn't care less. He has the best music taste known to man. He is pretty mid at video games and he admits it but doesn't wanna.
Crush: omg who is that hot skater boy

Friend: oh that's just Reese!
by R33s3 November 5, 2022
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Reese is the sexiest coolest person you will meet. She has pretty vibes. Most people like Reese because she's so charming. She has a million hobbies and will teach you anything she knows. She loves people and thrives in nature.
Oh look here comes Reese
by Happychickeneggyolk November 24, 2021
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