adj. Worn out, dulled, as from overindulgence.
Kate became jaded about love after the third boyfriend in a month broke up with her.
by Marissaaaa55 October 5, 2010
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"Pounamu" or greenstone as it known as in english.
NZ Nephrite (jade) is a stone for which NZ has become famous.
Also known as Pounamu or greenstone
by Jade May 24, 2004
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That feeling you get about college after a month or two, when you realize it isn't any better than high school was and you're still wasting your time. When you start to question why you're there at all.
Guy 1: Dude, I thought college was going to be great, but the caf. food sucks, I have no money, the girls are all bitches, and my classes blow.

Guy 2: You sound pretty jaded, man...

Guy 1: So totally am; don't think I'm coming back next semester.
by CynicalAndJaded November 10, 2009
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that a complete babe, whos knickers you want in
mmmh... look at her, what a jade!
by conor_ September 14, 2007
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She is a talented and gorgeous she is loved by many . Many boys are amazed by her beat and want her but she never accepts what others say she doesn't believe them. she has great trust and is loyal to those who is loyal to her . She is great sharing and is great speaking to people she's great at kissing . She makes people feel welcome and safe as long as there with her . She is like mother nature beautiful and important she looks out for all but she never hurt anyone .

People wish to be the sexy person she is and always will be .
Don't we all wish we could have a jade .
by The mighty truth March 12, 2017
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verb. To pour Hypnotiq all over your partners naked body and then lick it off while stimulating your partner's sensual areas with your tongue.
Licking hypnotiq off of someone's titties, penis or twat. Ass jading is not recommended (Hypno and ass juice do not mix well).
1. After we jaded, her titties were all sticky and smelled like Hypno for like three days.

2. Kate couldnt believe that her friend let me jade her.

by Dirt Bag September 19, 2007
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Yo dude, those are some sweet jades that youre rockin.
by Paz Phan June 21, 2006
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