Elie is usually a dickhead that tries to be funny but there not. Tries to be the class clown and is actually really bad at school. He is also known for being dumb and an asshole
There is so many Elies in my class
by Unknownfactsaboutpeepsnames March 23, 2017
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To be an amazing. Full of love and kindness. Beautiful and humble most sweetest female. Graduated from University of Loyalty and Integrity. Extremely rare and precious.
Oh my goodness cool, that’s Elis!
by MaryGirl November 13, 2019
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a dumb little dumby who wears colorful dumb fucking hoodies
Some lesbian mom: Hey eli.
by fugiroeifjkgkg November 12, 2019
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A bit of a wanker who loves himself. His main goal in life is to piss you off throught being an annoying bastard.
He thinks he’s a player but in reality he’s a virgin and doesn’t know the difference between his right hand and someone else’s.
omg did you see him last night, what a dick

ye i know, you can tell he’s an elis!
by WaddupMaNigNog February 25, 2020
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some one with a very small penis.
you boy reminds me of eli.
by sir nip nip December 11, 2017
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A boy who thinks he is tough by bullying smaller kids.
An Elis likes to insult other people for amusement but hates it when people insult him and gets passed all the time.
Most Elis's are rich foggotts that try to impress girls by bullying.
That bastard he is being such an Elis.
by Happylaxus123 October 24, 2018
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