A group of people who apparently want people to think they are really cool. They are constantly trying to gain public attention by paying high profile actors, music artists, and athletes to the flash group’s “secret” hand signs, one of which is identical to the Texas Longhorns hand sign, which they seem to have adopted as their own. This works out well as a sort of free advertisement because every time a Texas Longhorns fan flashes the sign in support of the team, others may think they are affiliated with or are in support of the Illuminati. The Illuminati has also associated itself with a lot of other commonplace shapes such as the triangle and star and numbers such as 3 and 6. This group makes sure that their symbols are placed in movies, as an extra insurance that everyone is well aware of their "secret" existence. Some have made claims that some members in this group have delusions and/or intentions of taking over the world.
Person 1- Hey, have you heard about the Illuminati? They are going to take over the world.
Person 2- Yeah, anyone who spends their money to influence Lady Gaga's music videos is obviously powerful enough to take over the world.
by limeade August 7, 2010
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The rulers of this realm and many others like it. They are completely unseen, highly influential and possibly dangerous. Their ultimate prime directive: To reduce the surface population as much as possible so that control of the entire world can be easily administered and consolidated into one government. All this will be done through fear, over consumption, death from unnatural causes, man made (Hurricane Katrina) natural disasters, famine, Economic Disorder,Civil and Domestic Disorder, International Disorder,and ceaseless war.
High Gas Prices - $4.65

War On Terrorism- 6,000,000,000.00

Hurricane Katrina- 100,000,000,000.00

Milk- $5.65

Getting Drafted For World War 3 because of Illuminati Prime Directive- Priceless
by Slade Technics November 29, 2006
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A secret society formed in 1776, filled with truly sick people, satanists, free masons, politicians and high bankers. Their one and only goal is a New World Order, or a one and only government in the world. The Illuminati has also killed all celebrities and politicians that have publicly opposed it. For example: Michael Jackson, John F Kennedy and Tupac. They control the media, fixing subliminal messages into Television shows, movies and video games. Right now, they control everything that is in our everyday lives. They plan to depopulate the world when in full order of it.
No example for Illuminati.
by SuperOriginalGuy July 4, 2010
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A large collective of many people, ideas, groups,etc, that are illuminated. They can range from the average homeless drifter, to the most powerful businessman or occultist. They are everywhere in society and are impossible to destroy or entirely get rid of. There is no main unifying factor and they may dispute things amongst themselves or even fight for supremacy over one another. Some are benevolent, some are malevolent, and some don't care either way.
by xDiscordianx November 6, 2009
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The Illuminati are the people who killed Kennedy, they are the people who print our dollars, they are the people who control our government and many others. The only governments they did not control in 2001 were: Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. If your memory serves you correct that is what Bush called the "Axis of Evil". So far they have taken out one and they want to move on Iran so they can get the oil. They want to create a one world government.
by ♫ Highway to Hell ♫ June 20, 2010
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they have a monopoly on everything so no matter what you support or oppose,they're already on top of it and behind it and pulling the strings,directing the outcome towards their evil satanic goals...
you can't win,the illuminati has already rigged everything
by totally bummed out October 30, 2005
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The reason for everything and somehow, people find stupid, ridiculous ways to prove the illuminati. If you want to be awesome, don't screw with this crap.

Wait a second.....
Awesome contains 7 letters! And there just so happens to contain the prefix awe. And awe means in amazement, and it works out because it's all fond to each other, and they all have the "ah" sound! And in the alphabet, a - h has 8 letters, if you subtract the 2 letters "ah" from 8, you get 6. And six sounds like sex... Which Miley Cyrus probably gets lots of, and she came in like a wrecking bAll, see. Pay close attention the the pronunciation, "ah!" And In the words illuminAUGHty, it contains the sound "ah"

So illuminati confirmed
Joe - "I wonder why they we have to learn geometry, it's retarted."
Sam - "It's because in geometry, we learn about triangles, and triangles just so happen to be the illuminati's symbol! So teachers are already training us to learn about the illuminati, and one day, they're going to come!"
Joe - "You're insane."
by Ghost_Red9 December 15, 2014
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