Sliding your car through a set of opposed and grouped turns without having rear wheel traction as your car moves laterally through the turns
by Cameron Leslie February 4, 2003
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A marijuana high combining supreme relaxation with a tendency for one's mind to wander.
We all got really drifted last night, and time lost meaning. That's why I'm late.
by dissonance July 15, 2005
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to drift is to "seperate" or to "not keep in touch with" someone or people.
"we drifted bad! i wish we got back to before.."
by ladystreets2 December 29, 2005
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The act of of farting while walking by someone with the intent that they will smell it after you pass by
Watch out, Gordo had taco bell for lunch. He's been drifting everyone
by raginrobbie December 23, 2009
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While in the process of giving fellatio, the penis misses the giver's mouth and starts streaking away on the face, sometimes piercing the cheekbone.

Typically occurs when the person giving fellatio is inebriated, exhausted, barely awoken from sleep to perform the act, or otherwise mind-altered by drugs or medication.
"Hey Greg. Wake up, man! You're drifting, and now my dick is stabbing your cheek. Get it together, and THEN you can go back to sleep!"
by Japanese Doll Peddler June 5, 2021
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To get curved by a girl.
*guy- hey girl wanna hookup?
*girl- Eww no get away from me.
*guy's friend- dude you just got drifted on bro.
by Swag master360 November 9, 2014
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I personally would not know what a true drift is because I live amongst a bunch of idiots who think not dying after taking a turn at forty is a drift.
People misconceive a drift as, "woaaaah...yeah dogg! for real i showed my tires who's da boss...yo do we get out of dis ditch??"
by livingWithIdiots October 7, 2003
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