acronym: THAT's for fuckin' sure
by Anonymous February 9, 2002
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That's fucking funny!

hopefully will replace lol and xD.
hahaha, TFF!!

Person 1 - I got hit by a car.
Person 2 - TFF!
by JIB NOPL November 13, 2006
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person 1: hey man can you take me to san diego?
person 2: oh why? DO YOU LIVE THERE?
person 1: tff man...

person 1: yesterday during class there was this really cute girl
person 2: yeah I did her last night till she cried
person 1: tff man, way tff
by LB4L April 23, 2010
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Touchy Feely Faggort:

This specifically refers to a suspected/confirmed homosexual (faggort) becoming very touchy with girls/boys after becoming significantly under the influence of alcohol or other such substances.
Oi you TFF take your hands off my girlfriend/boyfriend..
by hu118 August 14, 2009
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An organised Crime organisation based in sub-urban cities who base themselves on the mafia
'The TFF are fair but dangerous'
by Geo17 June 11, 2007
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a sound robbie makes when he speaks
by Simonus December 8, 2003
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