commonly used in several parts of northern california to mean disgusting, gross, or foul
damn I can't beleive you had sex with her dude, she's hella rowdy

that soup was so rowdy, I had to go puke it back up in the bathroom afterwords
by fuhgetaboutit April 22, 2006
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The wack mascot at Southeast Missouri State University!
You see Rowdy at the Game. He was lookin hella wack!
by Big Bizn3ss March 8, 2006
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A rowdie is that asshole who crashes a party, gets overly intoxicated and begins breaking shit and picking fights. I used to have a sign in my party room that said, "Rowdies will be ousted." All they are good for is getting rid of.
by LuridHope April 19, 2019
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A demon from 551 and 436 bitch he not from 552
Common phrases you’ll hear “ Yo rowdy lets go spin jit bin”

Rowdy ain shit he really fucked my best friend and left me “ “I can’t stand jit”

“Professor kickdoor
by ROWDYONGO October 11, 2019
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someone who thinks that they command much respect, but actually are a mockery target.
"ey she fink she too rowdy u kno!"
"nah blud shes buuuttters ...nuff sed"
"standard, same fing bedjin"
by roxxor February 19, 2004
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A dumbass who doesn’t know what they’re doing, but looks good doing it.
by Armadillo728 May 21, 2019
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