a new console from sony,fanboys say that its twice as poweful as the 360 but the fact is that it only has 50 more MHZ in the processor....

the pricing for the PS3 has been announced (its official)

$499- PS3 with 40 GB HDD

$599- PS3 with 60 GB HDD

$699- PS3 Bundle with 2 games and 60 GB HDD
i worked for 6 weeks and had 300 dollas saved for the PS3....Sony ruined my dreams
by tha truth teller May 10, 2006
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the worst system ever. has the crappiest games and has a whole lot of crap that a game system doesn't need. It'll probably break as easily as the ps2.
Tommy: hey! did you get the new xbox or nintendo with halo 3 and zelda!?

Johny: no my mom got me a computer that can only play car games, spyro, and crash bandikoot games, and dvd's.
by Tommy the third August 4, 2005
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Blu-ray player from Sony. Also capable of playing videogames. Sony expects the average consumer to spend at least $500 to watch overpriced HD movies on a format that will almost certainly fail (see: Betamax, UMD).

Sony succeeded with the PS2 because it had mass appeal. You weren't required to own a $3,000 HDTV and $40/month Internet service to enjoy its full capabalities.
My friend: I want a PS3 but without the Blu-ray. It's too expensive and I don't need it.

Me: Don't worry. You'll still be able to play Grand Theft Auto 4 and Madden NFL 2008 on Xbox 360 for half the price.
by riiiiiiiiidge racer July 20, 2006
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See Playstation 3

Widely hyped, though nothing is known about it. Due to the fact that somehow the PS2 sold over 100 million units, the PS3 will be widely successfully regardless of it's preformance.

The Cell processor has been said to have 7 cores, each running at 3.2 Ghz. Many developers have said that the Cell is much to complex to program for, and thus favor the Xbox 360 over the PS3.

The RSX "Reality Synthesizer" is another widely hyped aspect of the PS3 by Sony fanboys. Relatively nothing is known about it, except for the fact that it will emulate reality... clearly.

The Blu-Ray player in the PS3 is not neccessarily needed, as almost all next-generation video games will not go past 10 GB as stated by developers.
Person 1: "Did you get the PS3?"
Person 2: "I'm not sure. It's hella expensive, and doesn't look that much better than the Xbox 360."
Sony fanboy: "OMgZ!1!!!1!1 Noooo! HERETIC!"
by Console fanboys will die. January 14, 2006
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v. To make an item too expensive by loading it with unnecessary features.
1. That six-blade, 10 setting, nuclear-powered, laser-guided, solid gold razor is too ps3ed for me to waste my money buying.

2. "Hey, Joe, I just fit my Mitsubishi with 12 plasma screens! Now isn't that pimpin'?"

"No, it's just plain ps3ed."
by The D-Man November 25, 2006
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A pathetic attempt at next gen gaming by Sony, less impressive than Microsoft's Xbox 360 and nowhere near as fun as Nintendo's Wii. The PS3 will be doomed from the expensive day of release...at least I hope it will...
Will probably be released with singstar, and some flaws, meaning Sony will have to make a "second generation" of PS3's, much like the joke that was the PS2, on it's FIFTH generation now! Xbox? ONE GEN, Gamecube? ONE GEN!!! MS and Ninty don't build shitty consoles, they're built to last for years. Sony should now revert to overpriced, under performing TV's.
Billy: "I've been saving up for PS3, I've finally got enough!"
Fred: "So how much have you got?"
Billy: "£1000, well, that's enough for a PS3 game at least!"
by Chris "Kreejo" JJ September 25, 2006
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A freakishly large, yet mostly empty silver box that "apparently" can give even the beefiest of desktop PC's penis envy.

The thing costs $1000, all for the sake of a blu-ray dvd player. I'd rather spend my money on something useful, like a car.
Why buy a ps3 for $1000 when i can get an xbox360 and nintendo wii for just about the same price?
by Millenstein September 25, 2006
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