A seemingly good natured person whom looks and may even seem sweet but is indeed a cunt.
"That old racist lady sure is an apple sauced cunt with her lil walker. Just hobblen along a slight breeze away from dropping a harder R."
"That girl was just flirting with me and now my wallets gone?" "sounds like an apple sauced cunt there boss"
"He great and all but his dick lowkey smell bad" "Thassa apple sauced Cock"
by FeccBoieeMcgee September 22, 2020
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In reference to what's left from an old man's adam's apple. It is no longer a hard lump in the throat but a mush.
"Old man I'll karate chop in your adam's apple sauce!"
by portablepotty January 12, 2013
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A way to say f**k in front of a teacher without getting in trouble.
Teacher: You failed this assignment

Student: Apple Sauce and Vinegar

Teacher: wtf this kids insane omg EVERYONE LOOK AT DOMINIC
by Thuglife123 April 4, 2018
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When your texting some one and you say apple sauce then they say ok, it means that the hoocaust will happen again one day
Then: apple sauce ok

You: I think I know what your saying
by Nick negro March 8, 2018
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an expression advising normally a guy that they will have to wait, or will entirely not be getting, to have sex and/or ejaculate. similar to the expression 'hold your horses' except used only in terms of sex
My girlfriend was giving me a blowjob when her phone rang, and she stopped to answer it telling me "hold your apple sauce" and started talking.
Fred finally got a girl in his room with him, but having no protection she stopped foreplay and said "hold your apple sauce" and went to look for a condom.
by mutesoul2 May 4, 2022
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To Apple sauce your self you must be a greasy apple fan who goes to all of the iPhone reveals and apple sauce's him self when apple reveal that there new phone can take a picture of you having a shit
Oh man that new iPhone made me Apple sauce my self
by Tesco discount Isle November 12, 2019
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1. A food consisting of mashed apples and other seasonings
2. That stuff you use in your Spaghetti
1: Do you like cinnamon with your apple sauce?
2: I like apple sauce in my spaghetti.
by AppleSaucce45 March 7, 2022
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