something horny girls shove up their vagina
Girl 1: oh, i am so horny!
Girl 2: shut up and shove a hot dog in it!
by pxuxsxsxy December 13, 2011
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When a man spoons with a female and lays his penis in between her ass-cheaks.
Think of it as an actual hot dog. The wiener is in between the bun. "Dude me and my girl went to go take a nap and we started Hot Dogging it. It was so comfortable!
by Duck boots and young sloots February 3, 2015
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no clothing remains on one or both sexual participants while they engage in the "motions" of sex without actual penetration taking place. Just like dry humping but w/o clothing. The penis rubs between the lips hence the name hot dogging.
Sam and Joan have been hot dogging it for a while since Joan wants to keep her virginity until she's married.
by Kelly & Travis February 6, 2006
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Noun: hot-dog

An erotic sandwich consisting of a thrusting penis between two female breasts.

Verb: hot-dogged, hot-dogging

To place ones penis between a females breasts and thrust repeatedly, thus creating the erotic sandwich known as a hot dog.
"Man, her jugs are screaming for a big fat hot dog!"

"How would you feel if I hot-dogged your delightful breasts?"

"She wouldn't let me fuck her ass, so I had to settle for hot-dogging her titties."
by JayVeeDawg June 29, 2012
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A wiener that is inserted into a split bun and is usually served with sauce.
by AnthonyG March 7, 2007
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The act of sexual outercourse where the man slides his penis between his partners buttocks.
Hey I was hot-dogging this chick last night and it was awesome!
by Tbl Herp! March 12, 2011
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