When a person is able to use one hand to perform certain tasks but favors their other hand to perform others. Those who identify as bisexual with their hands are neither right or left handed though they do not qualify as ambidextrous as they aren’t comfortable using either hand to perform a task.
Person: “Woah! You’re a lefty?!”
Me: “Actually, I’m bisexual with my hands meaning I might write with my left hand but my comfort level using my left hand to perform other tasks varies”
by prince family paper September 27, 2019
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To participate in an activity enough to maintain proficiency, especially in sports.
"I don't play tennis as much since college, just enough to keep my hand in."
by PzKVW January 27, 2017
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A phrase said to expressing male pride.
Having your "dick in your hand", though not literally, means you are holding your pride, in reference to a man's penis being his pride and joy. Often makes him feel like the shit.
Mystikal: I came up in the club with my dick in my hand!....
by The Great Houdini December 7, 2004
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1. The absolute ugliest point at which a man will have sex with a women.
1. Yo man, what about that chick? I dunno, let me check my hand. Nope! My hand still looks better than her.
by Danimal54 August 1, 2007
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1.Ask someone to fight

2.Go up to someone and start beating their ass.
by Queen.Makaveli June 4, 2016
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Ususually used when trying to ignore a person in reaction to a comment made against the person, or a comment used to ask the person for something the person in question refuses to give
After being asked for a lift home) "my hand is a piano" (Then speaker walks away)
by Codfather December 6, 2004
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