To prance slyly while having your mouth squeezed tightly so it looks like a cats arsehole
Focks it Up Dude , Focks it Up
by Cally Star May 19, 2006
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fake rock used by replacing the "r" with "f" (Can be used with other words as well)
All these poser bands, they all fock!
by anony4 December 6, 2005
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To cuddle or snuggle with some chick with no hope of getting laid.
Kevin bailed on us to go hang out and fock with his new girlfriend.
by Cid April 30, 2003
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To pathetically stalk someones facebook profile. Facebook stalking = Focking
-I was Focking her all night.

-I want to fock that kid when I'm at my resident address on my computer device.

-He keeps focking my mom.
by Garrett McBadass January 14, 2011
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Icelandic way of expressing the word fuck and all variations on the word in English.
These focking fockers are focked. When will they learn to fock? Exactly
by Boo Williams December 7, 2003
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A term, originating in the northeast region, meaning fake cock. This device can also double as a urine transportation apparatus, holding and excreitng (clean) urine as needed.
Vincent Chase wore a fock to ensure he passed his drug test.
by lf0687 August 23, 2011
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expression used by jay, becuase his mom would beat his ass if she ever saw the word "fuck" on the computer screen
i focked a girl saturday and she focking bled out of her vagina. fock!

im really really sorry about everything, and im sorry i thought u had hiv... badd..
by vectrex April 23, 2003
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