A hot girl between the ages of 20 and 30 who chews gum with a stupid, vacant look on her face and is somewhat promiscuous.

A girl need not be chewing gum to be labeled a gum chewer, but must look so stupid that one could imagine her chewing it in the manner described above.
That hot little bitty over there is such a gum chewer.
by CLS-oh-four March 23, 2008
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Someone who is extremely stupid, so stupid, in fact, that they eat crayons. This could also be a person who enjoys eating paste or other generally retarded actions. This term is generally used as an insult when arguing with someone to point out how stupid what they just said was.
Donald Trump is so stupid. What a fucking crayon chewer

The correct word is you're, you crayon chewer
by Bruh_sound_effect_#2 May 21, 2019
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A sexually frustrated individual, coined due to the tendency for those suffering from a lack of sexual satisfaction to chew on ice as a means of coping with excess tension.
"Hey, I heard you guys like Ed, Edd, and Eddy! Do you want to read some of my Jonny x Plank erotic fiction?!"
"Get out of here ice chewer"
by Penguinato October 16, 2019
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"Haha I stole your word Adam you gimp chewer!"
by Rory McMoose April 29, 2005
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1. an insult reffering to the person as a whore, or one who performs oral sex with a condom and still retains the condom in his or her mouth.

2. also can mean slut or bitch in the derragatory sense
Damn, he is really a condom chewer

Get away from me you dirty condom chewer
by Nikku March 31, 2006
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“One that is about as dumb as it gets or lacks common sense. The type of person you want to look at and say wow!! “What does it feel like to be a damn idiot

“One that is about as sharp as a spoon”.

;Also known as a dipshit.

Someone who chews there puddin.
What in the world are you talking about, you puddin chewer.

He’s a damn puddin chewer.

That guy right there is what you would call a “puddin chewer”.
by TDeanerr September 23, 2021
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A wasp chewer is someone who is that sour and angry at everyone in the world because they've had wasps for breakfast.
Dave was as sour as a wasp chewer when he's maintenance labour was taken off him.
by Goatman88 September 4, 2019
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