A burr is an epic fail, something that is a complete & uttermost fail with nothing good about it.
"Last night the club sucked. The night was such a burr"
by QuasimodolovesEsmerelda September 20, 2011
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The noise made by deep-voiced men when they become shocked or surprised. Perhaps after being pelted with some form of chewy candy substance. Burr is often teamed with a shocked look , and can often have angry connotations if they are caught off guard or offended . This is a perfect of example of when Burr will be used.
'Look Sally , its a mouldy wham bar on the floor , pick it up' said Jane.
Sally picks up the wham candy bar , and waves it around in Jane's face.
Jane knocks the wham bar out of Sally's hand with generous force , and it flies towards the man seated in front of them.

'BURR! what the fook was thaaa.'
by puffthemagicdragon July 27, 2009
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another word used for chill (a very cool person).
girl-- "omg, hes so chill"
girl2-- "no sam, hes so burr"
by caitlin0x August 22, 2007
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a slang spoken when you can know longer talk right and call beer by the name "burr"
the word when a white person trys to be african american by using the "urr" at the end of the word beer
"yo 'g-dawg homie'let's go snag some burr to quench our thirst!"

"pass the burr"
by meech May 22, 2005
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n. The sound that is made when diarrhea is ejected at high velocities from the anus. Also associated with the colour "brown".
Ahh gross, I just made the hugest BURR ever!
by bahJ December 1, 2005
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Cold; harsh. Usually a reply to a harsh or rude statement.
Thug 1: Niggga you're black, so why the fuck are your teeth so damn yellow?

Thug 2: Burr.
by yadunnoooee February 17, 2011
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1 someone a hell of a lot cooler than a smokey joe (see smokey joe)
2 a terrible web designer (but he tries)
3 bambis first word
Burr is so much cooler than that dickhead smokey joe
by I Am Ze Best May 30, 2005
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