When something passes Congress and gets signed by the President that will ultimately fuck the people of the United States.
Joe Biden said to Obama during the signing celebration for healthcare, "This is a big fucking deal!"

For once Joe Biden was two-thirds correct. Should have said, "This is a big fucking!"

- credit to anonymous caller on the Rush Limbaugh show 03-25-2010.
by November2010election March 25, 2010
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Big Fuck Energy (BFE), much like big dick energy, denotes that someone has a natural, healthy, humble confidence without arrogance or cockiness. It is used to indicate that This Guy Fucks in a literal and/or metaphorical sense.
Wow, this guy fucks, I can tell from his Big Fuck Energy!
by S. R. Pen August 13, 2019
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A spider so big it makes you think to yourself fuck that.
There is a big fuck off spider up there fuck this I'm out
by hgddbjyfxsgjigxdgjkff February 24, 2017
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When the largest health care reform bill (in nearly 50 years) passes to bring us one step closer to universal health care coverage.... is termed a, 'Big Fucking Deal'.
"Mr. President, this is a Big Fucking Deal (BFD)"

-Vice President Joe Biden to President Obama
by Slizmeister March 26, 2010
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An insult created by Steven Dawson. A middle aged balding man who created vines. It is used to describe a pretty thick person. Commonly used in the North East of England
by bigfuckingstrokeynonce April 7, 2017
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peculier shoes often worn by grayham
he's wearing big fuck off loafers...GET HIM!
by DOYTS! February 11, 2005
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