Interjection used in a situation that is slightly uncomfortable, often accompanied by a gesture where the lower arm is thrust out parallel to the ground with the hand open and fingers together with thumb on top.
(long pause) ...awkward...
by Otis October 14, 2004
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A situation which is of a significant amount of discomfort, and a subject of hilarity and confusion for those not involved.
1. Katrina, if someone walks in while I am blowdrying your shorts while you are still wearing them, we may face an awkward situ....Nevermind, Too late.
by ihatethesethings November 1, 2010
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A comment made by a third party in response to someone saying something inappropriate or embarrasing themselves in some way, thus causing an awkward silence for several seconds.

Saying "awkard" is often a remark deliberately aimed at stating the obvious to make the situation just that little bit more cringe-worthy.

for related topic please see ground swallow me up, dig a hole and keep digging
John: Hey, dumbass can't you read the sign? No dogs allowed!
Paul: er...(awkard silence) sorry sir he's new here.
John: what?
Paul: (whispering) dude the guy is blind and that's his guide dog!
John: oh.
3rd Party: awkward
by sunshiyong November 23, 2010
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Interjection used in a situation that is slightly uncomfortable, often accompanied by a virety of gestures: 1. Pulling the collar with one finger (this represents the sweat collecting under the collar from the AWKWARD situation) 2. Arms form a triangle over the head (such as the A in YMCA) 3. One finger pointing at the back of the other hands wrist 4. Pointing at the back of the neck
John: I was snowboarding the other day and I hit this killer jump. When I landed I ripped my pants and my two inch dick was covered in snow!!!

Everyone else: ...Awkward...
by Emerson March 2, 2005
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1.) causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with
2.) causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience
3.) not smooth or graceful; ungainly

An EXTREMELY over-used word, used mainly by immature kids in their early teenage years, to define an ironic or embarrassing moment. Very few of these kids actually know the meaning of the word, and use it so quantitatively for any circumstance that in their minds, everything is 'awkward'. Some like to add their own spunk to the word, resulting in disasters such as 'awk sauce' and even 'awklate milk'.
"That awkward moment when your friends tell your crush how much you talk about him."

"Thats a nice glass of awklate milk, bro."
"Yeah buddy."

"So today I texted my friend, and they didn't text back."
"Woah dude, that's so awk..."
"I know."
by IHateYourChildrenXx November 20, 2011
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noun- 1. the state of being awkward.

2. Characteristics that make one awkward or ambiguous in gender or race.
Yo, so i thought you were a girl when i met you... you know because of your boobs but now I've noticed an awkwardity that makes me uncomfortable. Dude, it's your penis.
by chachahcacharmin April 28, 2010
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The amount of awkwardness in a situation. Sometimes the awkwardicity is so strong you can feel the awkward vibe.
Palmer realized the extreme height of awkwardicity in the room after he had walked in on his grandparents.
by TravisNelson51 October 22, 2006
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