to push a strong thought without making oneself vulnerable. a personality that may be ranting strong beliefs behind people's back or safely on the internet to avoid retaliation from the fear of it. trying to push others with a strong defensive shield that shows weakness. ranting/preaching politics and religion without a strong sense of assertiveness. pushing beliefs without action and results.
some passive aggressive guy was writing nasty racist comments on the internet because he knew that if he did it face to face he would have gotten his fuckin face kicked in.
by eazy-x January 2, 2008
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When you are on the highway and you are trying to get somewhere. You are trying to get places and you have to aggressively pass all those slow bitches who cant get over. Biotch.
This morning this dude from Jersey was so passive aggressive. He literally cut off 5 people in a matter of 30 seconds. Then i passed the bitch in the slow lane.
by albertocrat June 6, 2015
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Mumbling some bullshit that's immediately not worth repeating the second it leaves your mouth
She mumbled some passive aggressive bullshit at me and i was like "miss me with that bro"
by DirtDgller September 13, 2017
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The act of using typing an angry(ish) message to someone but adding 'lol' to the end in order not to come off as angry/ irritated despite actually being angry/ irritated.
Emma: hey bbe, did u wash the dishes?? E xx

Dave: sry, been watching football. Will do l8r. D xx

Emma: u had better or I swear I will be pissed lol. E xx

A fine example of the passive aggressive lol.
by Cachanga March 2, 2014
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passive aggressive hoarding
when someone very subtly and gradually builds up a small area in the home or office of random useless bits of junk, but since it is just one area and relatively small it may not get noticed by others until it's too late and grown in size.
passive aggressive hoarding
Wife to husband 'Jeez whats all this crap in the corner in the kitchen?' Husband says 'I might need that broken cable one day, oh and i need that old mobile phone too, just in case'

This can be a problem for when a couple live in a small apartment and there's no space for a man cave.
by frog666 December 11, 2016
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