what cum dumpsters use to sop up the semen dripping down their pant legs.
that marina girl is wearing uggs with her jeans tucked in. what a slut!
by ihatemarinagirls December 23, 2008
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A boot produced by some Australian company. Girls claim it's warm, but it is really just ugly as shit. No wonder it's called an UGG. Guys like Orlando Bloom wear them too. Either way they are still UGGly.
Guy, "What's that crap on your foot?"
Girl, "UGG!"
Guy, "Ya i know that, but what is it?"
by lilsypop March 16, 2011
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Boots that shout either one of two things:
Dude 1: Hey man, check out the girl in the Uggs.
Dude 2: Whore.
by ddoo997 April 22, 2008
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Australian Boots. And unlike so many people, I like these boots. They do not make you look stupid, they're very comfortable and super warm. Plenty of people wear Uggs, not just the "popular kids". Uggs are expensive, depending on what style you consider buying. I don't have anything against Uggs, because I own a few pairs. I wouldn't own any pairs of Uggs if they weren't comfortable or warm. I'm not a follower, I wear what I want!
Girl 1: Is she wearing Uggs?!
Girls 2: So what?

Girl 1: They're so UGLY!
Girl 2: Hey, I'm wearing a pair right now. And they're really warm and comfy!
Girl 1: My bad.

My point is: Stop hating on Uggs just because you've never worn a pair.
by Appreciatorr090 October 29, 2010
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1-noun- Really Nasty Preppie boots

2-verb- I think the "Ugg" boots are ugly

3-adj- Expresses: I don't like that and the things that are affiliated with it

*Note* both 2 and 3 can be used together
1. Someone: Look, Mary's wearing Uggs
Someone: Well she a bitch anyways

2&3: Someone: Guess what? I got some Uggs and picked up some new runescape slang!

Me: Thas just Uggs = I hate your slang and runescape. I also think your shoes suck.
by SuperHaxo45er March 28, 2008
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Originated from the cavemen. Is a replacement for swear words and must be said in a deep manly tone. Said by Nottingham folk like Katie Barr and Jessica lynch
I don't ugging know

Go ugg yourself

Ugg off

Shut the ugg up
by Idontuggingno April 11, 2016
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Boots that mums and small daughters who dress the same, and teenaged girls wear.
They are unbelievably fugly and are now worn all year round. Esspecilly popular in schools, you can wear these boots in many different ways.

1. Tuck them in to your skinny school trousers.

2. As well as tucking them in, why not wear some bright pink legwarmers to match the beige Uggs.

2. Better still, as the warm weathes comming in, wear them with your lovley pleated school skirt!

These are also worn outside of school, mainly the same way.

Girls feet must sweat so much.
The only time i would ever wear Uggs is if i went on holiday and it was snowing.
How can anyone think they looked attractive? --Uggs
by Nobue March 21, 2009
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