A word describing something so bizarre, ridiculous, Etc that upon experiencing, one simply ceases to be
Tom vanished at the sight of something Xnopyt
by That slut over there July 11, 2021
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Xnopyt can be used in terms of feelings (I feel Xnopyt), Gods (our lord and saviour Xnopyt), or other.
Xnopyt must always have a capital X
- hey I feel kinda Xnopyt
- what
- insert reason
- did you just say "insert reason"?
- ... no
- yes
- I mean I do feel Xnopyt
by NavoiiGamer March 13, 2021
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Adjective: (xnopyt)
The feeling of desintegrating at the thought of a word being letters separated by a gap.

Verb: (xnopyt, xnopyting, xnopyten)
The action of desintegrating yourself or others at the thought of it.

Conjugations (verb):
tinyurl . com/xnopyt-conjugations
Adjective: I feel very xnopyt today...

Verb: John xnopyit someone today... again.
by TheGoldenPotion July 7, 2021
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To suddenly disappear at the very thought of something.
Tom Scott: If you accept the definition that a word is some letters surrounded by a gap, then โ€œXnopytโ€,
Tom Scott: (Xnopyts out of existence.)
by Determined1 May 27, 2023
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I'm feeling Xnopyt today.
by Eddsworld August 15, 2021
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"to xnopyt" Suddenly disintegrating at the thought of something
Word made by Tom Scott
I Xnopyt after I heard you say that!
by WindowsDista July 25, 2021
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by idk6000 June 28, 2021
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