The most amazing girl in the world. She has a breath taking smile and always makes your day better. She has a stunning personality and is gorgeous. Her laugh makes you smile and she is always there for you. She exceeds at school, especially at spelling.
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Sutton is a podunk town in Worcester County, Massachusetts (area code 508, zip code 01590) about 10 miles north of the border between Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island and approximately 50 miles from Boston.

Highlights include:

Routes 146 and 122 which serve as quick ways out of town.


Tony's Pizza (this is as close as I could get to a reason to bother stopping here... it's damn good stuff).

More Trees.

Package store (lots of people use alcohol to get through boredom).

A couple stop signs (there's a few lights too, but, really... not enough to count them).

Still more trees.

A half-decent school (I gots muh learnin' hare).

Clean air (the Blackstone River funk doesn't loom over Sutton the way it does in other nearby towns).

Again, trees.

Purgatory Chasm (a glacier left this behind... I left 2 pairs of shoes there...)

Pleasant Valley Country Club (this is a highlight to some people...)

There's not much else to say.
Person 1: Sutton? I may have been here before... is that the one with the... uh... hmm...
Person 2: Trees?
Person 1: Yeah, I think...
Person 2: There's other things here, too, I think.
Person 1: (thinks) Is that where that guy got shot?
Person 2: Probably not.
Person 1: Oh look, entering Millbury.
Person 2: What was that town we were just in?
Person 1: Uh... I forgot.
person 2: Huh...
by Helbereth June 15, 2011
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name to call a big, strong, or powerful person
Look at JJ Watt. He's a sutton

Wow Lebron just sutton'ed their whole team
by bigboysutton October 10, 2021
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Usually a beautiful, charming, sweet, funny girl whom everyone likes and is a genuine girlboss. Some want to date her, others want to be her friend, a few want to be her, but everyone agrees; Sutton is an angel.
Girl A: Did you see Sutton's new Instagram post?
Boy A: She looks so pretty
by sillywillywonker September 26, 2023
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A little town outside of Worcester in Central Mass, where there’s nothing to do. For fun we milk cows, smell cow shit all day, and vape in the trans bathrooms. Sutton High Schools mascot is the Samies and Suzies (wtf is a Samie and Suzie)? We are known for the Magic School Bus sliding down the icy road!
You live in Sutton? You must be a Suzie or Samie
by Dogshit29272 November 18, 2018
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A really cute boy who awesome in every way
If a boys name is Sutton rate him a solid seven
by Whitacre November 19, 2019
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A sexy tall white man usually has a afro
ooo Ben look at Sutton
by Hottiesss November 16, 2020
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