dude i have a big ass spiff from whackin it to hard last night
by Anonymous October 3, 2003
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A generic form of good-looking. All dressed up in a ridiculous fashion.
#1: You sure look spiff...
#2: Fuck you.
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a fart, burp or other gass exspoltion.
my friends bro is like that so we call him captin spiff.
by kick ass irish kid April 23, 2004
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The Best. Bright and Shinny, new. Niikii.cool.
Niikii is the spiffest person EVER!

I got the spiffest electric guitar ever made!
by Eriin May 24, 2007
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From the famous comic, Calvin and Hobbes, it is one of calvins many alter egos. He flies around in a space ship in an unknown, but cruel galaxy where he crashes and meets many gross aliens. Bill Watterson(creator of C&H) created the character when he was in high school, where the name was "Spaceman Mort." It has now grown into the spaceman we know of as spiff. Bill Watterson has said Spiff is a parody of Flash Gordon, and the setting uses elements found in regular sci-fi.
We find Spaceman Spiff, interplanetary explorer extraordinaire, poised precariously over a percolating pit of putrid pasta
by Spaceman_Spiff May 22, 2009
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