An offensive name for British people. Generally used by Americans; originated from the Comedy Central cartoon "South Park" and has been used frequently since then.
Man, this country is floodin' with pips.
by John No Britz March 13, 2004
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Penile Insertion Potential
The potential of a given man to have sex with a certain girl. If the PIP is low, then sex is unlikely. If PIP is high, then the man will most likely bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.
Al: What's your PIP on that chick over there?
Bill: High. At least 8/10. I'd fuck her until my nuts fell off.
by nz March 11, 2004
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1) Found in the middle of fruits like an apple.
2) Password in plaintext.
by Soiled Undergarment August 19, 2003
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Look it's Pip.
Wait, no, its not Philip.
by God April 14, 2003
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sort for "Pippin" which is a 1920s slang term for a very pretty girl.
"MAN! That girl is such a pip! Look at those boobs!"
by Houle Mckean July 20, 2006
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