A penis that hooks towards the left due to a lot of masturbation with the left hand
Damn, you have a massive lefty.
by Marcus January 6, 2005
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A lefty is a little slice of heaven that grows on your chest. Most people don't treat there lefty with respect, but you must always love your lefty. A lefty can be bald, hairy, or ugly. Most people prefer a hairy lefty.
Hey mom i'm kinda cold, can you come over and lick my lefty?
by Lefty Guardian March 28, 2011
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1. A guitar designed so that it may be strummed with the left hand rather than standard guitars, whose body and string arrangement are designed to be strummed with the right hand.

2. Someone who uses their left hand to strum whether they are completely left-handed or not; also someone who is completely left-handed.
1. I own a regular guitar, but it's strung like a lefty so that I can play it.

2. Jimi Hendrix was/is one of the few famous leftys.
by D-Shiznit June 27, 2005
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A seriously ugly girl but gives it up to anyone. It is derived from the saying: "lefty loosy, righty tighty" when trying to remember which way to turn bolt to loosen it. Also commmonly said is "if it left it can't be right. If it's not right it must be wrong." Which refers to the expression "she looks wrong"
"Man she was a lefty but I was desperate to get some"
by Jacob Parker April 26, 2005
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koolest person alive
that guys a leftie..
by leftizzle March 16, 2009
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A girl that you have no interest in as a partner, but you will nonetheless be down to “cuddle.”
1st guy: “ayy man who was that girl you were sitting by at lunch?”
2nd guy: “aw she’s just a lefty. Know what I’m sayin?”
1st guy: “whatever faggot”
by Extrasaucy January 26, 2018
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