A phrase to show that someone is completely clueless. The Egyptian two-step in when a male exits the bathroom after urination but forgets to zip his fly, such that his junk swings to one side with a right step, then swings to the other with a left step. The male is totally clueless that this is occurring.
Did he realize that he just misfired the weapon in the wrong direction? No? Have him do the Egyptian two-step over to do some push ups.
by Stagmen February 23, 2017
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a.k.a. The Whiskey Shits. What occurs when you eat a large quantity fast food combined with a period of consuming alcohol. Known as a "two-step" because when you think you've finished shitting your brains out you wont get two steps away from the toilet before having to back up for another round.
I shouldn't have had that steak and gravy, it's giving me a case of the Tiajuana Two-Step.

I would stay out of that bathroom for a while, somebody put the Tiajuana Two-Step on it.
by Rocky Skyline November 5, 2009
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when a drunk bastard stumbles home from the bar after a fucking awesome night of partying down with your homeboys in Tinley Park, IL.
"Did you see Bobby get outa the car? He tinley two step'd it all the way to the front door."

"Yea, I'll do the "Tinley Two Step" all the way home, baby!"
by jOnTOURAGE June 19, 2009
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the process by which Jersey males skip dating, and the foreplay process and move directly from the first kiss to the first bang. Ususally happens in coastal towns, such as Seaside. Jaeger shots usually aid in this process.
Clark met a girl at the liquor store, gave her the ol' Jersey two step, and now she is prego.
by bebalicious March 4, 2005
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When you and a friend sleep with eachother's girl in a raunchy, sex filled, one night stand ;)
Jay: "Hey jeff, wanna switch girls tonight?"

Jeff: "Are you saying what i think your saying"

Jay: "Fuck yeah dude."

Jeff: "OMG the Tallahassee Two Step! I've never been so excited"
by Eddie Lacy's Cousin April 19, 2022
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Twelve hours after I arrived in Tijuana, I had the Aztec two-step real bad.
by Cornholio September 30, 2003
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Diarrhoea dance along the lines of the Tijuana cha-cha or Montezuma's revenge.
"I did not have any fun during my vaction in Cancun, spent the week doing the Aztec Two-Step."
by Jtron 3000 September 16, 2005
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