gettin fucked out of yur skull, smokin weed or gettin yur drank on its all good.
2 blunts of that purp and a 26 of grey goose and im SKULLED
by Tha Holy Chronic April 11, 2007
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Coricidin Cold and cough, contains Dextromethorphan hydrobromide. Over the counter drug that people trip on. Same drug as "robotrip"
by PureEvil May 12, 2002
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(n)A crazy person. A form of sex. (prop. n) The Man. (v) To flip out, lose one's mind. Act in such an insane manner that it would scare people. Often accompanied by yelling, swearing, punching, and throwing things. Intensified by consuming large quantities of alcohol. To get some form of sex. Skullcap
That guy is a complete skull! Dude, that's Skull! I'm fukkin' skulling over here! Gimme some skull beeyotch!
by Elvis-TCB December 16, 2005
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How PC users type the skull (💀) emoji.
Mobile user: its sad how relatable this is 💀
PC user: REAL :skull:
by lex !! November 5, 2023
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An incentive to date the same bird again.
Bessy: Thanks Pete, I had a great time tonight, will you call me again some time.
Pete: I can't make any promises I can't keep Bessy.
( Bessy gives Pete amazing skull for half an hour )
Pete: Call you next week Bessy
by Rockit June 27, 2007
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A point you reach after consuming too many shots of hard liquor/too many beers. You become anti-social and unable to communicate with friends. You stand alone by yourself, usually with a blank stare.
Man, have you seen Chris, hes drank so much, i think hes in the skull.
by theJFK January 10, 2009
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Bolt Chat alliance dedicated to transforming Bolt Chat back into the way it once was by terrorizing Bolt's people and taking over rooms.
"Ban him! He's a Skull!"
by Jesse_James July 5, 2003
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