To take another man by force sexually in an effort to prove dominance.
Corey disrespected us, lets Shawshank him after school.
by CarrotTop6600 August 6, 2008
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When you are stuck in a miserable job, working for the devil (aka - the warden) and you slowly start to chip away at your escape while plotting to take the boss down when you leave.
"How do you put up with that bitch on two legs?"

"Don't worry about me...I'm shawshanking."
by cp_709 July 29, 2009
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The art of mastering a public poo by releasing your poo when the other occupant flushes their toilet.

Much like when Tim Robbins masks the sound of banging the pipes to coincide with the thunder.
Man the lady across the hall always goes to the bathroom the same time I do. I've learned to let my poos out at the same time she flushes so she cannot hear the sounds. I'm shawshanking my poos like a pro!
by ForgingGal September 3, 2014
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The act of having someone shit on your chest in a thunderstorm.
Check the Doppler tonight babe, I was hoping you would give me a shawshank.
by shwagzilla July 22, 2014
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Verb - To pilfer; steal a small amount at a time by filling your pockets in the same fashion as Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption.
by Aarani March 13, 2007
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A term used to describe the general pain and suffering felt the next morning after a particularly rough night
Guy: hey man, you have a good one last night?

Guy2: yeah, but I feel utterly shawshanked this morning *bleurggh*

Guy: ....mate
by Xyphious November 19, 2009
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Shawshanked is a word that originated from the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" which refers to getting penetrated in the anus. Shawshanked can also be used the same way as the word owned!
OMG! hahaaa you got shawshanked. Or yo shut up before you get shawshanked!
by Santiago P. January 24, 2008
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