A satanic special forces that combat the military assets of earthlings. The team is composed of seal team 6 members that died in combat. Ones who refused to join were killed and ones who wanted revenge joined.
Osama Bin Laden: Finally I escaped those seal team six members.
Seal team 666: Hello.
by crigey 101 May 6, 2020
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The Bad Ass Mother Fuckers who got osama bin laden. Fuck Ya! Go America!
Fuck you osama! Navy Seal Team 6 fucked you up!
by We Got Him! May 2, 2011
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When you shoot a large bug with some sort of gun, then continue with a water funeral in the toilet.
DUDE, I saw this huge spider and Seal Team six-ed it.
by Stuartbrown August 6, 2011
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A euphemism for male masturbation. Comes from the way that U.S. Navy Seals swim out of nuclear submarines and onto enemy shores.
Man, Kate Beckinsale is so hot that every time I see her I want to lock out a SEAL team.
by CycleGeek April 2, 2008
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An Elite group of U.S. Navy Seals.

Most notably, they are the elite group responsible for the killing of terrorist, Osama Bin Laden.
Osama Bin Laden: No one will get me now, I'm so totally invincible and brave, hiding here like a little bitch.

U.S. Navy Seal Team Six: "Roger that, tango in my sights, over". ...... "Headshot".
by Tea Bird May 25, 2011
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Just another SEAL team... but they got popular because they shot and killed Osmam Bin Ladden. The thing is they were only in the compound for half an hour and they only killed five enemy soldiers. And now all of a sudden they are "the best" team because of one mission.
OBAMA: Navy SEAL Team 6, you're gonna go kill Osama Bin Ladden.
TEAM6: Cool, now everyone is gonna think we're the best...
TEAM2: Hey Obama, can you give it to us so we become popular instead of Team Six?
OBAMA: Nope, I like the number six better than the number two.
TEAM2: Typical Democrat answer...
by MW2 Freak November 19, 2011
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When 6 makes guys walk in a room and the first guys shoots cum at your head.
Laurie was waiting for her boyfriend to come in the room. Instead, she got the seal team 6 from his hockey team.
by Hockey Donkey January 6, 2018
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