A legend passed down from generation to generation... some say it's a myth, others cannot phathom the possibility of it's existance, nonetheless in any situation, drunk or sober, when a male approaches an intellectual convo and just happens to pop in, oh so nonchalant... "do you shave?," and then proceeds to resume conversation as if the question was never uttered.
"How about the Bears game... I think they have a chance at winning the Super Bowl, by the way, do you shave?" (Pause for comprehension)"...so you think they have a chance?"
by Bruce Dickinson July 6, 2003
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1. Someone asking for information regarding their needs or
2. If they are able to do something.

Often a sentence that ends in a question mark.
A question can be in any format, but here are some common ones

1. Who drank the last juice box?

2. Can I hang out with Hannah?
by XxokeanosxX May 29, 2019
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That's all I'm ever left with..

Because what I feel.. and read..
Is nothing like what I see.

I felt alone in there tonight. Like I was the only one who didn't know what was going on.

You could clarify so easily, you've known my true feelings this entire time.

I just ache in the darkness.

Odd moments where I feel some clarity and my heart coming back to life..
They never last.

I don't get it.

Give me something.. something only I'd know.

You know.. I love you..
You say you want to hear me say it..

So let me.
Do you ever feel like all you have is questions?

When really.. you only need the answer to one
by 4_u August 7, 2023
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I enjoy reading your love for her!!!
Did you ever kiss her? Hug her?

Wisdom.. lol. How about ramblings of positivity with some funk:) you have to give yourself more credit!!! You did great!!! It always comes back… it is glitchy at times. I don’t understand how you can write two posts at the same time and only one publishes the next day…
I have a question, what is up with the x on the bottom of your four post? Hug? Just curious… okay, or another coincidence… this one was in my head coincidence… yep, there are different types of coincidences…

And we both posted to four on the same day… kinda weird. You positive you are in the UK? Just kidding… I know you are.

It is all the coincidences with you and me that make me question whether other things I believed are just coincidences too…

Yep, totally put the funk shoes back on:(
by I love YOU 😘🤗 always September 10, 2023
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A question that causes bad consequences by the very act of asking it.

Originating from Israeli-Army slang. The original/canonical kitbag question explains its meaning quite well:
A military boot-camp squad commander orders the squad to take a break and meet at some place after 10 minutes.

A soldier asks: "Do we need to bring our kitbags?" (A kitbag is heavy bag that soldiers have)

Commander: "Yes, of course, bring your kitbags!"

The commander would had not given the order had the kitbag question not been asked.. Because of asking the question, the soldier has caused grief for himself and the fellow soldiers from his squad.
by sporadix August 9, 2011
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A semi passive-aggressive statement delivered a question format in a effort to lessen the sting of the obvious failure on your part.

The person asking the question already knows the answer, they just want to create the uncomfortable moment of making you state what is already obvious.
Buddy: “Do you think that we should have a written policy about Sales people discounting deals without permission below our stated floor?”

David: “quit asking me ‘buddy questions’!”
by entechUS October 24, 2018
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