like diapers for kids potty training in case they get to a situation where there is no bathroom and a kid still in potty training phase can't hold their pee long enough to make it to the bathroom in time.
Mother:You need to wear pull ups in the car in case you have to go potty and we can't get to one. Child:okay mommy.
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Pull up-When you would like to fight someone however they would like to fight only with weapons such as ..Guns, Knifes, etc.
1.Your the type of homie to probably can only pull up and cant just fist fight .
2.Jack told James to pull up this morning at a special location.
by sky r. July 6, 2017
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To describe someone who is well put together and looking good.
"She's pulled up!"

"This wig, these Loubs, this bag, chile I am PULLED UP today honey!"
by amazingsinger17 October 29, 2014
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As someone who's come from an upper middle class family, got rich in early 30's, lost all money over women and got poor in mid 30's, got rich again briefly afterwards, got very poor again afterwards living in a shelter, and then finally got rich yet again... I can attest that every time I got back up, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps. It was a very effective technique. I recommend it!
Joe: Mom, they fired me from the job! Said I can't code for shit!
Mom: Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps son! Life is tough, but you gotta be tougher and beat it!
by OffBeatDrummer April 8, 2020
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A term on snap chat meaning “slide up” or message me can be flirty or neutral depending on the person or context
by Annoying millennial July 17, 2019
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literally referring to what Abraham Lincoln (read a few law books he found in a junk barrel, then became a lawyer and later President of The United States and Booker T Washington (learned to read and write as a sailor's) actually did, this term means:

to legally work, or rather legally to nigger, one's way up the social ladder of one's society in one's zeitgeist using nothing but one's own blood, sweat, toil, common sense, education and street-smarts, and not relying on your country's social assistance/welfare system (provided of course you are able bodied and not mentally ill to the point of not being able to work)
son: I don't understand how Abraham Lincoln legally achieved what he did. He was born on a bloody farm.

father: Jordan, just stop blabbering and learn the meaning of the phrase to pull yourself up by your boot straps and you'll do just as well. Now good night.
by Sexydimma July 21, 2012
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