A slang term for a person (chiefly male) that is a Jew, is cheap, or shares any of the stereotypical traits of Jews.

From the 1940 Disney Film of the same name, and the idea that the eponymous character gets a big nose whenever he lies, and a stereotype of Jews are that they have large noses.
Tyler: Dude, can I borrow five bucks for lunch?
Chris: Naw dude, I don't have any.
Tyler: You fucking Pinocchio! I saw you get like 15 dollars change when you bought lunch!
by roscoejenkins March 4, 2009
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A guy who is totally ruled by his girlfriend (See Gepetto)
Yo pinocchio, you hanging ten homes?
Nah, esse gotta chill wit Gepetto, I'mma bizounce
by RickyP June 10, 2005
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One who lies repeatedly to make him or herself seem important and/or bring attention to oneself
Dude last night i banged Jenna Jameson and she gave me her phone number!
by Derell December 20, 2004
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A girl or guy that has a really big nose, either because of genes, or because they lie too much. Other word for them can be: Pino, Pinocone, Pinny, Big Nose, Liar Liar, Big Ass Genes
Yo Pinocchio help me out?
Yo Pino stop lieing!
Your such a liar, it shows you know?!
Yo Pinny get it reduced when your older a'ite?
Hey Big Nose, what smells?
Yao got big ass genes!
**People we use them against are Julia and Mr. Collier,
Use this word wisely!
by Brian! April 9, 2004
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1. A slang term meaning oral sex.
2. A fictional puppet from the 1940 Disney movie of the same name.
1. I'm seeing my girlfriend tonight. I hope I get some Pinocchio.
2. Ben: I'm watching Pinocchio right now.
Roger: You're watching oral sex!?
Ben: Buddy man, you're a fag. I'm watching the Disney movie.
by Hot Fire April 30, 2006
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A kinky bastard that erects and elongates his “nose” by lying. Happens to be from a Disney movie.
A: I heard Pinocchio actually has a penis for a nose, so in reality he gets erect when he lies.
B: Thank you for the info, very cool.
by Choadess March 31, 2020
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Jacking someone off while sticking your nose in their butthole, thus giving them an erection performing the Brown Pinocchio.
Mel said he got a Brown Pinocchio last night. Boy is he a lucky guy!
by Standarduarn February 16, 2014
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