One of seven phrases considered to be curse words among metal elitists. Other words include "bree-cree", "br00tul", "Metallica", "Hot Topic", "breakdowns", and "Diabolus In Musica".
Metalhead 1: "Hey man, you want to borrow some of my old CD's?"

Metalhead 2: "What'cha got?"

Metalhead 1: "You know, some Venom, Slayer, Kreator, Pantera..."

Metalhead 2: "Dude! Watch your f**kin' mouth, my kids are in the room!"
by Geraldo Ruiz August 11, 2009
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Having, or becoming angry or powerful.
Tim's dad went pantera when he found out about the truck.

That black Mustang from school is pantera.
by bob morales July 7, 2005
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Awfully overrated Nu-Metal/Groove Metal band from Texas. Started as a tolerable, if not likeable glam band, but then in the Nineties changed the style to ride out on the success of thrash metal by playing semi-intense "metal" riffs. Guitarist Dimebag Darrell, formerly known as Diamond, is ridiculously overrated and only plays generic bluesy pseudo-metal riffs over Vinnie Paul's overproduced drums. Phil "Anal Slam-o" Anselmo's vocals are the most horrid heaps of garbage to ever come from human vocal cords. Inspired the likes of Lamb of God and countless others.
Kid who hangs out at the mall: R.I.P. Dimebag Darrell! Pantera's the best band ever.
Person with musical knowledge: Get outta my face you piece of shit.
by bawlsinyerface May 27, 2008
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Ripoffs of exhorder.
Pantera ripped off the New Orleans band Exhorder.
by Traveling Bob July 30, 2006
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A horribly overrated band that wasn't very good anyway.
Metal Forces rated the horrible Pantera album "Metal Magic" 8 out of 10 because the metal elitists would beat them up if they didn't.

Thrash, sludge, and groove metal were extremely influenced by hardcore, Panterarized.
by Pantera Is Overrated April 7, 2013
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A very good but horribly overated metal band. Fans of Pantera think Diamond Darrell is the greatest metal guitarist of all time yet call him dimebag, a name he generally rejected when with his friends. They also think they are superior to emo fans, when all real rock fans know they both just go /wrists but express it differently.
Typical Pantera Fan - "I like Pantera and like, Slayer, and like, RIP DIMEBAG WE MISS YOU" (while taking shirt off to show tattoos)

A fan of GOOD music - "you know there wouldnt have been pantera without bands like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, and Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath before them. Oh, and he preferred Diamond Darrell."

Pantera fan - "nuh uh! nuh uh! DIMEBAG is NUMBER ONE forever and ever RIP DIMEBAG"

"And they say people that live in the south are stupid..."
by GANGSTAH GANGSTAH September 3, 2007
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A very good heavy metal band from the early '90s, yet they are also one of the two bands (along with Nirvana) that destroyed '80s metal such as Mötley Crüe, Poison, and even Metallica. Pantera introduced a much more dark and heavy type of metal to the public than they were used to. This later spawned many subgenres of metal such as death metal, dark metal, and goth metal. Each and every one of these genres sucks, because this is one of those things where the first one is the best one.
Music was great before, and even during the early Pantera days, now the mainstream music scene is all whining emo kids, wannabe rappers, suicidal goths, and screaming ass holes who have no clue what real music is, and I blame you, Pantera.
by REDWHITEnCrue25 July 28, 2005
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