Our website, which contains arab_freak, our favourite user on the BBS.
by Tom and Wade Fulp December 9, 2004
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Crappy site including a forum populated by prepubescent middle school kids who feel it is their duty to demonstrate their knowledge in subjects they know absolutely nothing about such as drugs and sex. These people can be observed making topics centered around one of the two, which seems to act as a sort of dipshit magnet if you will, invariably attracting more dumbasses so that said topic is devoid of any useful information.
some kid on the newgrounds forums mistook ragweed for marijuana
by wwwwoooooooo! November 25, 2006
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A fairly good flash website. It would be a helluva lot better if there wasn't freaking porn every freaking where you freaking turn!
And those gaddamned clocks! StrawberryClock? More like StrawberryCock!
by Lieutenant Tarpit August 18, 2004
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a website with a buncha video game and anime movies and nothing orginal at all.

the few good flash movies there get low scores and fall into obscurity.

the kids also enjoy giving the site admin oral sex for front page or mod powers in the newgrounds fourm.

In short newgrounds sucks
newgrounds has really gone to the asshats
by some newgrounds fuck November 30, 2005
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Its not twin noodles. its twin tacos you fucking imbosile. anyway newgrounds rocks!!!
"What are you gonna do today?"
"im gonna go and check out how newgrounds is coming along"
"what the fuck, its been filtered!!!"
"those mother fuckers will pay, they may have filtered runescape but this time they've gone too far" *loads shotgun*
"die mother beetchers!!!"
by L'Ranne April 4, 2005
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1): When you get to a new level of a relationship.
2): When you face something new that you dont even recognize,and find it hard to recognize it.
3): Freshly cut grass that smells like its new-ground
1): Bob I feel like I've gotten to new-grounds with Kate!
2): Dude this homework is just newground!
3)mmmmmmm this graas smells newground!
by MackTogo May 29, 2007
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the worst website in the world with the most rude and hateful BBS in the world.
"Dude, Newgrounds is teh most stupid website on teh internet." "I know, even Ebaums World is better than that retarded Newgrounds."
by TeHbEsT June 20, 2005
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