Prototype B-2.5.1, bionic lizard with anti-consumer capabilities. Still in early development, some issues include constant dehydration, poor socialization, and scales faintly appearing once in a while.
Judge: "Are you human?"
Mark Zuckerberg: "That's a great question. I'll make sure our team will get right back to you on that."
by consoomer420 November 6, 2021
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To over achieve at something in order to get back at a lady who wouldn't give you chance. In honor of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg who created the site to impress a girl.
That bitch told him he was too fat and she would never go out with him. He's now a pro body builder. He totally Mark Zuckerberg that bitch.
by Betancourt February 6, 2015
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When a guy who's professionally and financially successful dates or marries an ugly girl.
He makes six figures at a technology company but have you seen his girlfriend? She's fugly. He has a case of Mark Zuckerberg syndrome!
by Trp29 October 31, 2016
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When you force your political beliefs onto your website, and use your power as the founder to unfairly persecute those who disagree with you.
Mark Zuckerberg Syndrome be like:

"Howdy y'all, I'm Mark Zuckerberg."

"As you may know, I am a flaming liberal. If you're not, and I find out, YOU'RE GETTING KICKED OFF MY WEBSITE, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

"....So anyway, I heard you were interested in toilets..."
by Someone who kinda exists August 2, 2020
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People that need someone else to live, survive and function normally.
Universities create these people that need people to do everythig for them, they have Mark Zuckerberg syndrome.
by breakboy72 April 19, 2018
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