jizzing on a waitresses tip when they piss you off
" did you just lenny on that tip?"
by zwinky February 24, 2008
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Very Italian, Very Manly, serious, and very hard to get to know...great lover
that boy is like Lenny
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latvian citizen who is passive and is easily amused. Often taken advantage of and is fairly dependable, lenny makes an excellent indoor house pet. Lenny suffers from denial and is unable to accept responsibliity for his actions, ex:

"why did the world blow up?"
"i didnt do it"
"your latvian.."
"i know"
"your lenny"
"i know that to"
Nega Wai Dim Sum
by Jamziz February 8, 2005
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An amazing guy who has chicks lining up. He has the perfect dick ever and every girl wants a piece of him. His girth is 7 inches, amazing for his 6 1/2 inch penis. He's dated a hell of a lot f girls just to make them happy. But they always broke up with him. He always has like 50 creepy ass chicks always stalking him. He has a gang of best friends that kick ass and love all the pussy they get, simply because they're friends with Lenny. Lenny has dated a girl with enormous boobs. He has one black guy in his group that's really stupid and annoying. Lenny is super rich. He has a friend named Mason, that's really awesome ( even though he can't touch the top of the refrigerator.
Mason: Hey Lenny.
Mason:Okay, but you better not be friends with that fucking penguin.
Hot chick: I am...
by Devin Ass July 8, 2011
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Biggest dick in the world. Every girl wants to rape him. Godlike appearance. Best music taste out of all people
A:“Did you see the guy who fucked 3 girls and killed 2 opps last night?“
B:“Yea he’s such a Lenny“
by Addysniffer666 May 27, 2021
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Is when you do somthing that you dont wanna do and you dont relize that you have free will , so you shouldnt be doing it.
I didn't go to the Ocean because i realized it would be a Lenny.

Why am i in Tel aviv Hookah bar , its such a Lenny to be here.

DAMM! this girl is such Lenny to hookup with!
by 2bestfriends12 March 24, 2011
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verb-(to lennie someone) To euthanize someone on grounds of their retardation by shooting them in the back of the head. (comes from Lennie of John Stienbeck's "Of Mice and Men"). Often done while discussing unattainable dreams of a rabbit farm that symbolizes the American Dream and protection from the cruelties of the world.
Retard: This completely ruins the entire concept of Lost, seeing as it is a drama, not a comedy.

Society: Oh fuck...we're going to have lennie him.
by georgetoyou April 21, 2009
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