ray of light so hah there anyway. It AINT CRAP AT ALL JEZZA!
jezza is a fool totaalyu
by Kiran January 11, 2005
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1) The first ray of light from the sun in the morning
2) The person who will shortly be killing whoever wrote the above entry
by Kiran August 26, 2003
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A Kiranism is a word or set of words used by a friend which, when used, have no meaning or appropriate use. They can be used when on your own or in front of friends only. If used in public, people will undoubtedly find you very strange. The words must be said in a voice which differs from your normal voice, i.e by using an accent.

Examples of a Kiranism are: "Laters", "Creh-zeh" or "Sor-reh".
I wish that dude would stop using them Kiranisms.
by Uncle Sharma November 4, 2009
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A ray of sunlight. A sweet and compassionate girl who would do anything to make anyone smile. She is determined and strongwilled and will kick your ass if you get in her way of achieving her dreams. She's strunningly beautiful and sexy in a playful way.Kiran: Someone very hot, smart, has lots of friends and is the coolest person alive. A Kiran, is someone so perfect, your jealous of them A beautiful, elegant girl. Her presence instantly commands the respect of everyone she meets. Perfection is the word that describes her--every single characteristic and feature of her is flawless. She's that girl everyone wants to be; popular, but friendly, nice and approachable. She's got an athletic, boyish side, but mostly is girly and feminine. Although she is friendly to everyone, she has a group of friends she's closest with. But most importantly, she has confidence--Kiran is not the type of girl to get upset over another person's derogatory comments. She is calm and collected always, and possess the ability to make rational, moral decisions in extremely chaotic situations. Everyone thinks highly of Kiran, and ones who don't are simply jealous of her.

She also kicks ass sports, so you'd better watch it! She natural and comfortable in front the camera and is always in the limelight in the best way possible!

Wow...Kiran is amazing!
Person 1: That girl is so Kiran!
Person 2: I know I'm so jealous.
by SAMATHA BARBOSA - A certified November 22, 2021
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kiran is a hindu name an it meens ray of light its a bent name an a wish me ma neva called is it
an sha aint brown an goofy !!
"wow luk wots da in da sky"
" its a ray o lite in da sky "
"yeh its a kiran "
"cool ! "
by kiran December 31, 2005
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