A girl who is decent at Overwatch and will curb-stomp your pride and your confidence. But she'll take care of all of her friends whenever she can, and will always make you feel better after killing your soul.
Austin: "Damn she a cutie, and she plays games?? Who is she?"

Klevins: "Chill dude, she's a Kamryn."
by Sherwinsavouchbolachi February 8, 2021
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A girl who is very demonic and loves shirt people especially if they have freckles.
Run away! The Kamryn is coming!
by Jhome February 19, 2017
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She is the most flawless, prettiest, flawless person in the world. All the boys want her. She is always a slay Queen and makes dose names with her closes and favorite friends. They are usually short but if you know a tall kamryn you are very lucky if you have a tall kamryn as your best friend you are even luckier. They usually get good grades. Everyone wants to date her and ask her out. She is not afraid to stick up for someone. The teachers don’t usually like kamryns because she takes the focus of them because of her flawlessness the are very smexy people usually say slay boo to her especially the boys. They are so gorgeous and cute and they have a great personality and they love DD and Starbucks!!! They have very good freekles. All the girls are jealous because they are going after kamryn
HOT GUY1 OMG that new girl is gorgeous I wanna Squeeze that chick
HOT GUY2 oh her she’s obviously a kamryn by her gorgeous looks and flawless freeckles
by Slaybooqueen January 18, 2018
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One of the most amazing people you'll ever met. Sarcastic, sweet, and smart Kamryn is the one in your friend group who looks like a rat (But a cute one). Always singing some fucking song and screaming at the top of her lungs. She would rather be with someone who would throw her away in a heartbeat rather than someone who always cares and supports her but it's chill.
Omgomgomgomgomg Kamryn. Kamryn stop fucking burping it's nasty. Kamryn no one cares about your dead dad.
by Joesfoot September 20, 2019
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A lying and cheating woman. She will tell you one thing but not actually mean it. Though she is blessed with good looks, she is a compulsive liar, and will drain you of every piece of confidence you've ever had in your life. Do no trust her.
Person 1: Damn i got cheated on.
Person 2: Was her name Kamryn?
by kaitlyndelrey July 5, 2015
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