Jade is the guitar player of AFI (best band in the universe), and believe me can he play. Listening to him is amazing, but watching him is even more amazing- Jade is also very beautiful. Gorgeous and amazing- you'll never look at a man the same way again.
Part of the Straight Edge movement, looks great in pink, and has established the primitive yearning of "must... touch... beautiful... sideburns" in many people. Or maybe that's just me... whatever, Jade outstrips any word in the human vocabulary, he's that God-awfully wonderful. Beautiful. Sexy and the like.
by vinnysothershoe December 30, 2004
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Jade he is the sexiest man to ever walk the face of earth. He is lead guitarist for AFI(a fire inside). He is amazing to watch him on stage playing his guitar. I often find my self gazing among pictures of him for hours.
"Davey does not watch the damn road when he's driving. Like, if we ever get into a crash he will be perfectly fine and I'll be imbeded in a tree. It's ok though cuz when i come back I'll come back as a squirrel and run up his pant leg"~Jade
by Jessica Puget...lol February 6, 2004
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Guitartist for AFI, the greatest band EVER.
Jade Puget is an incredible guitarist, a great songwriter (wrote a small part of Sing The Sorrow), has a really random sense of humour and is one of the sexiest men alive!!
by SiobhanG January 11, 2004
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Member of AFI

Man, Jade should ALWAYS wear that pink tie and black suit...............
by Matt The Dude March 15, 2003
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Guitarrist of AFI. Amazing guitarrist and amazing person. For me, the best man in the world.
by pinkkiss October 5, 2003
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1. Guitarist for the band AFI.
2. Amazing guitarist.
3. Awesome hair.
The way Jade Puget moves on stage is mesmerizing.
by hysteriapara August 11, 2003
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You're all teeny-boppers. He isn't Hott, or Cute, or whatever else you may have the urge to call him. He's gorgeous and beautiful. He's also the only real man that can pull off a pink tie. Well, any pink, for that matter.
by PretentiousLies August 30, 2003
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