Something stupid foreigners say in place of the word "sex" or "fucking." A definite sign of a fob is someone who says this schnaz in place of the word fuck or whatever. It reminds me of when a twelve year old says "sexing." I think I'll be sexing that kid's mom, thank you very much. EEEEEEEEEEnyway, yeah. So like what i figure is, that "intercourse" is the official word taught to people from some countries who are learning English. Like how in America we learn the more proper Spanish words in place of like "chinga tu madre." The kind of person who would say intercourse is Borat.
Crazy Persian Guy Trying Way Too Hard To Seem American, Even Though He Is Already, And Is Actually Just Making Himself Look Like A Douche: Intercourse from American style! (crazy hand dance that makes no fucking sense in the context.)

Some Guy At Work: Dude you shouldn't say that to women.

Crazy Persian Guy Trying Way Too Hard To Seem American, Even Though He Is Already, And Is Actually Just Making Himself Look Like A Douche: Eh!! Karen! You want Intercoursing and the grabbing of boobs?!!

Karen: Oh yes, your charming way of eloquating is making my vagina into a factory of spasmatic child production!

Crazy Persian Guy Trying Way Too Hard To Seem American, Even Though He Is Already, And Is Actually Just Making Himself Look Like A Douche: Intercourse! (big grin)
by thetruth. May 18, 2008
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when a rabbit go to lion's cage ,surely the rabbit will that way our penis rabbit go to vaginal cage of ladies (lions) other than wife(rabbits own cage) ,it is dangerous!
others life is the example for intercourse description
by sass233 April 24, 2007
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If Obama gets elected for a 2nd term, we are going to be completely intercoursed...
by Big Daddy T 916 August 10, 2011
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A statement made after engaging in particularly satisfying sexual intercourse. Made popular by British sitcom I'm Alan Partridge.
"Well Sonya, that was classic intercourse. So... thanks." - Alan Partridge
by Tom Scott February 19, 2004
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A type of sexual intercouse in which the male penis is inserted into their partners nose.
Timmy wanted to spice up his sex life with Sheela so they had nasal intercourse.
by Galapicos potato March 26, 2014
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Small town in Lancaster County PA. Home of the oldest Amish settlement in the country. It's part of the crazy town names in the area. Just down the road is Bird-in-Hand, across the field is Paradise, and over the mountain is Blue Ball.
To get to Intercourse, PA go through Bird-in-Hand, pass Blue Ball, stay on the same road, and you'll find Intercouse. Afterwards you'll go through Paradise.
by jumbojumbo August 17, 2010
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