the best compact sedan ever been created by humans. costs less than 20k, runs great, comfy, and kicks the ass out of a ferrari, lamborghini, or corolla
i got a honda civic for 15k, and it has been running great since 1990. my stupid friend got a bmw, and then engine broke after 1 day
by honda civic October 17, 2006
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A honda civic is a car with much potential for all you v8 lovers. A civic may not produce as much horsepower as a v8 stock but who leaves their car stock? A turboed 1.6L Civic would spank a v8 even tho the v8 is still pushing more horsepower and torque. Honda engines are great because they are very small but can generate a shit load of horsepower so why don't you v8 lovers go look at a youtube video sometime and look at a Civic pushing 500 or 600hp and see if your "big time v8s" can keep up. And remember one thing, it doesn't matter how fast your car goes, it's how fast you can get it up there so the civic dominates in the quickness factor!
*200hp Honda Civic 12 sec car / 300hp v8 14 sec car
*v8 is a health drink and nothing better!
by CrxSohcZc February 14, 2007
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In 1970 when it came out, it was ok, then it became a shitty little faggot car between 1984 and 2001. '97 and '99 were the worst years, however, they've looked nice since then. Now days, when ever you see a civic from the 90's, it tends to have a front bumper, driver door, hood, and fenders that don't fit and aren't the same color. Usually red BBS wheels, an exhaust mark on what's left of the rear bumper, and you can hear the muffler sound a mile away, literally.
A Honda Civic simply can't make it over a speedbump in my neighborhood, they bottom of the car would fall apart!
by A7X forever September 15, 2010
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A reliable, reasonably priced 4-cyl Japanese car often purchased by commuters to get from point A to point B... and effeminate douchebag twenty somethings who buy the car for $4,000 and dump $20,000 of their KFC and Taco Bell money into turbos, spoilers, subwoofers, low profile rims that stick out, HID light bulbs and other crap off eBay and Walmart to street race against obvious cars on the street that apparently dissed them a few lights back. Effeminate Civic moderate are often named Cory, Hunter, and Cooper.
Brody: OMG guys did you see that fully sick lowered Honda Civic drifting around the school yesterday? I swear I nearly creamed my pants when the BLV went off.

Kyle: The purple one? I know, right? That's Cory's ride. I mean could that thing be any lower to the ground? And that rear spoiler just finishes it all off. I heard he beat off a Camaro at the lights near Dairy Queen because the guy rolled his eyes at him.

D-Grip: yeah those guys in their V8s think they're the shit. They just don't know what a Civic can do til it hits 'em. Boom!

Yeah, they just don't know! (Everybody fist bumps and adjusts their Ed Hardy trucker caps)
by Cory Cooper February 25, 2016
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a peice of crap car with hardly any engine power, kinda like ajeep, or kyles dads bobcat, or the hummer, or that piece of poo totorhome. TOYOTA FO LIFE.
lets get this strait, your honda civic has has an engine with 1.6 litres, and my bottle of pepsi has 2 litres
by landcruiser1985 April 4, 2006
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a medium-sized truck, which has good gas mileage and can tow as much as a Ford F-250
You guys wanna use my Honda Civic to tow your Ford F-250 out of that ditch?
by FordLuvr December 17, 2011
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