Abreviation of Homeward Bound, soldiers returning from the American civil war were called Ho Bo's
There goes a Hobo, bound home from the war.
by OK October 8, 2003
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n. Habitually poorly attired soul who has chosen to sink below society's infrastructure into a murky world where freedom is all.

So, you coming to the Debutante Ball?

No, I see myself as more of a hobo than a debutante.
by gnostic3 January 1, 2015
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Someone who's driving a shopping cart around the streets. Usually the cart's containing his living room.
Kitchen & Bedroom sometimes, too.
- Mom, look at what that uncle's been shopping!
- Well kid, I hope this hobo didn't pay for that.
by Burk Goondah December 2, 2008
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Someone who goes to a sleep over with nothing but a sweatshirt to sleep in, in the morning they are often found curled into a ball anywhere from under the table to under the bed. There's two ways to get rid of a hobo, either drive him yourself to his place called "home" or attach a ham sandwich to a string and place it under a box.
Me: "Haha Ryan is such a hobo!"
by Angry Salamander July 12, 2006
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a bum; poor person. usually lives in a box. commonly found in New York or Boston
by Nick The Hobo March 8, 2004
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Hoboing (Verb)
Hobo (Verb)

To Hobo it out, (or hoboing it out) is to leave someplace in a hurry while looking muddled and unprepared (like a hobo or bum.)
"Zoe hoboed it out to the schoolbus; her hair unbrushed, a jacket half on and her shoes untied."

"Gabby, with a hand full of loose papers and her backpack still open, was hoboing it home."
by Zoey Zealous August 11, 2009
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Life sage, always has a good advice, oracle, usually inhabits areas close to local village grocery stores, where with his associates, deliberates about world problems. A rare variant of a common hobo is an urban hobo, who often stations on multi-level parking lots and guides where to leave the vehicle. In return, awaits a small donation for bread or rolls.
I'm not a vagrant... I'm a hobo. Big difference.
by EchoDev February 1, 2022
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