to flurp, from the middle english word "flurpp" possibly derived from the Latin term "phlurpus poopus." Originally used in English to describe a sound made while eating.
Quoted from: "Flurping the Brain"
by E.O. Kondiki, M.D., M.M.D.

A common problem in hypocranial neurosurgery is the accidental flurping of the brain. A spoon-like instrument is inserted between hemispheres (into the fissure) and then drawn back, in an attempt to reposition the upper surface of the longitudal cerebral cleft. If the instrument slips, it usually tosses a clump of cerebral brain matter up into the air, simultaneously causing a very audible flurping sound -- hence the term "flurping the brain." Any non-trained visitors allowed in the operating room during such an incident are sure to lose consciuousness at that point, and the medical staff then becomes distracted by stifled giggles which can occasionally erupt into full scale laughter.
by Dr. "Kondo" Kondiki May 9, 2004
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To burp and vomit a little in your mouth at the same time.
After eating ethnic food for two days straight I couldn't stop flurping.
by RC_2010 February 15, 2010
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to flirt and burp at the same time
when flirting with someone and then burp during flirting.
by Goro December 14, 2003
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A delicious carbonated grape flavored beverage of purple color. Known or causing loud belching. Common soda drank in the cartoon Jimmy Neutron.
Tyler Flavey drank Purple Flurp and belched all night!

"You coming over man?"

"Yea dude I'll bring the purple flurp!!"
by Flurpman October 14, 2017
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look at that woman who has a vagina. she's drinking purple flurp with a man who subsequently has a penis. lolz!
by liberalwizardtyler June 19, 2008
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Heavenly drink created by the gods to please us mortals.
Want to go get a purple flurp.
by Nickolas dean December 1, 2019
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