When your girl is pulling her eyes sideways like a chinese person, a male puts one of his testicles in her mouth while slapping her in the face with his penis.
dude that asian girl i picked up yesterday totaly orderd a chinese egg drop.
by captain cash November 29, 2009
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N. When one testicle hangs lower than the other.

Usually used as a nickname once you find out the guy has un-level balls.
by Aries415 September 23, 2008
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When you cum inside a girl while she pisses on your dick.
"Me and my girl had sex last night and made some egg drop soup, if you know what I mean. ;)"

"There was egg drop soup all over the place after I banged her last night."
by Banabumfrog October 17, 2021
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Noun: The fluid produced when ejaculate received in the mouth during oral sex is excreted through the nose after being made to laugh.

Verb: Egg Drop Souping - the act of expelling ejaculate from the nose after having received it in your mouth from performing oral sex and being made to laugh.
He busted his nut right as I was remembering a joke from earlier, and I totally egg drop souped. Do you have any idea how much that burns?
by karmakabuki February 13, 2013
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A-Where's Lisa? She's been in the bathroom for about 40 minutes now. Is she constipated or something?
B-Oh, she's stirring her egg drop soup. Her BF Allen left for Spain Friday, and she just felt like...
A- Eeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!
by RatchetBoo May 22, 2003
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while receiving a head job, you cum in her mouth and then she keeps going and you then piss in her mouth (unexpectedly). sometimes you just can't hold it. you can also pee before you cum, (soup before appetizer variation), but it's alot less likely you'll get to finish. the real pro move, for the freaks, is like a combo of a pearl necklace and a golden shower (the king tut variation). it is willing and welcomed. there are confirmed reports of the original move, and a couple videos of the king tut version, but not the soup before app legend.
Bob was so drunk last night that he gave me a rotten egg drop soup while i was going down on him! What a douche, although I kinda liked it...
by shakezilla638 September 1, 2009
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