Dapper has become this horrible by-product of the menswear trend and with it the notion that being ‘dapper’ equates to some improved social status* – but to whom is another question altogether. It’s no longer a simple description of a man’s neat appearance, but a microcosm of sensationalist menswear try hards who, in an effort to sound or appear suave, are in fact, anything but.
'Gee, don't you look dapper in that ill-fitted statement suit, I never through paisley on paisley would work, but it just does'.
'Gargantuan Windsor knots, and pointy jester shoes are just so dapper'.
'I’m so pumped for Pitti in June, said the #dapper gent'.
by asdfasfdasdf February 3, 2017
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A pair of shoes that are either funny looking, strange, or somewhat exuberant. Mosty worn buy businessmen, or people who have little fashion sense. Although technically any pair of shoes could be classed as dappers. To call someone a "dapper" would be insulting to them as it would imply that they are a lot like strange shoes
by nrgt September 6, 2013
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Someone who is acting like they are missing half a brain.
Wow, that guy is acting real dapper today!
by darkgs February 14, 2010
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a person who acts as though they have a learning dificulty.
or person who actually does have a learning difficulty.
word is used affectionately when friend is being stupid.
"look at that dapper on the dancefloor."
by willowcandra April 19, 2006
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A reference to Dapper Drake, version 6.06 of Ubuntu Linux, slated for release on June 1st 2006.
Dapper Drake was originally meant to compete with Microsoft Windows Vista, but Vista was postponed by a year, because Microsoft is trying to put out an OS that doesn't suck quite as much (it still will though, majorly).
by Juan Pedro Marinez April 16, 2006
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The raddest motherfucker on the planet! This motherfucker right here will load your old appliances and shit onto his badass truck and turn them into cash. He'll then take that cash and attempt to turn it into sweet threesways and weed.
Dude 1: "What the fuck am I going to do with all this old shit piled up in my lawn?"

Dude 2: "What the fuck, man!? Just call the Dapper Scrapper! He'll turn all this old shit into a sweet threeway!"

Dude 1: "Epic ... "
by Sargeant GoodTIMES! January 1, 2011
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