To break off suddenly and abruptly in the middle of an online conversation. Best if done without any warning at all.
A: So I just came back from the gym five minutes ago.
B: Oh really? what gym?
A: Come again?
B: I said "WHAT GYM?"
A: Oh it's Gold's Gym I think.
*signs off*

That's aditying.
by Aditying September 10, 2009
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A really intelligent girl who looks like shit on the outside but has a personality and great sense of humor. She is the president of a dozen clubs. She is extremely popular with her friends but her teachers hate her. She is literally a jack of all trades...
She is the exact definition of Aditi.
by iamafukinidiot0011 March 31, 2020
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An adjective to a person who is mean and nice sometimes. Also can be when a person is very unathletic.
" wow well I guess thank you, I mean that was very Aditi."
by kobe4life240881 May 19, 2020
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when someone is just purrre awesome!!
by tomj234 June 18, 2011
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She can be harsh on you but she will always apologize.
Man,I wish I was Aditi
Gosh,Me too
by Awesomeviking February 5, 2022
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My ex , most loved person on this earth after my mother, and she is still mine in my dreams . Love you 26/06
by November 24, 2021
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