bill gates' next device of torture unleashed upon planet earth.
oh no, here comes bill gates.
by da-n May 1, 2005
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A horrible console invented by Microsoft that is defended by tons of fanboys. Known to overheat, melt discs, and cause the ring of death. Not to mention, Gears of war sucks, and same to halo.
Bill: "Hey, I just bought a xbox 360"
Tom : "Really? Let's go play"
Bill: "Srry, it broke already"
Tom: "WTF"
by fireneeb February 12, 2008
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The poor man's PS3.

The hooker standing on the corner thats really a guy.
Person 1: Dude I just got a brand new Xbox 360!
Person 2: Meh.
by Trevorisepic December 12, 2010
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1. Microsoft.
2. The only game system possible of killing with the RROD.
3. The system that spazzes when you put it vertically.
4. The system in which Halo 3 was released, making it almost the best system, in which the PS3 was claimed to "Pwn it hard"
5. A game system that Bill Gates used some of his $57.5 billion to make
6. The system that people are filing a lawsuit against.
1. "Mommy i got an Xbox 360 from my friend"
"Good job. Microsoft"
2."AHHH RED RING OF DEATH!!! MAKE IT STOP!!! (*Grabs sledgehammer*) destroys the xbox 360
3. "I will try my Xbox 360!!! (*CHHHHHH*) aw damn it my Xbox ruined Call of Duty 4.
4. "Lets play halo 3!" Other Kid: "Let's play Guitar Hero for ps3!" Halo 3 kid gets shot, and sony removes his body from the premises, therefore stating that ps3 was good.
by Adam E, and Alex Y. May 2, 2008
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A piece of shit. They have the word 360 in the title of the console because you will be lucky if it lasts that many days. Aslo a marketing sceme to get customers to buy multiple stacks of shit (xbox's), by using knowingly faulty components. Then charging you half the price you paid in the first place to get it fixed. Usually after repair, it takes the time you could have saved to buy a PS3, or a shotgun to shoot yourself in the face, for them to ship back to you. They commonly causes ones room to become filled with broken xbox's flashing red lights. Also used as a paperweight, a surface to wright on, as well as used to build the base for things such as houses and cars. Also an achievement for the world in defective marketing, as well as branding Microsoft as being thief's. Also the system that got Dawngaurd first, FUCK. But does anyone even have a working system to play it anymore? Doubtful. Once they break down, they usually cause the owned to become very angry, but still willing to buy a new one, with reasons they cant even tell you. Xbox 360's are common victims of but not limited to - Being throw out windows, getting shot at, getting ran over by cars, getting set on fire, ect. They also take advantage of the best technology since flushing toilets - the Kincet. Playing a Kincet game is like trying to itch your asshole with 2 broken arms. It requires more perfect conditions to run half properly then to create life.
Dickwad A - Yo bro you trying to play some Gears Of War?

Dickwad B - Nah man i cant, ive spent over 10,000 Dollars in Xbox 360's and still don't have a working one.

Dickwad A - Aw damn man what do you do with all of the broken ones?

Dickwad B - I need to throw them out, they are taking up all of the space in my room.
by Mr Jinglez July 28, 2012
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idk it came out like 15 years ago
Person 1: I have an xbox 360
Person 2: The xbox 360 came out like 15 years ago nerd
by Large cranium neanderthal September 21, 2020
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A fancy boat anchor that has a self-destruct mode
You ready to go fishing,

yeah I just need to get my xbox 360
4 what
we need an anchor
by elkaddict15 February 21, 2011
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