14 14
14 14 14
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 15, 2021
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14% refers to chicks that dig men with facial hair. According to a Psychology Today survey in 1996, 86% of single women preferred clean-shaven men. They don't know what they're missing since men with facial hair are proven to be better lovers. Look it up!
At the bar:

Manly dude: Hey foxy babe, are you in the 14%?

Hot chick with large, real breasts: Hell yeah I'm a 14%er! Let's go back to your place for the best sex I'm gonna have ever! Is it ok if I bring my bff along, too?
by youth the sequel April 27, 2011
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the final year of becoming a child
age 0-14= children
age 15-19= teenagers
by xxxmanoxxx6 January 17, 2008
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a term used to describe a black person due to the fact that N (negro) is the 14th letter of the alphabet.

(also 14 squared, aka: 196...represents multiple black people)
holy crap...im gonna shit my pants...mcdonalds is full of 14s
by fml14 November 5, 2008
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Yesterday, your son sounded like he's always sounded — like a boy. But today, you heard that first crack in his voice. He's started puberty and several things about him are changing. Along with obvious changes in physical appearance, his voice will start sounding a whole lot different. For a while, he might have difficulty controlling it and he'll make all sorts of odd noises when speaking.
He's balls are finally dropping at 14 yay lol
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 20, 2019
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age where you fat single and still a lonely virgan you father checks out other girls and it hurts your feelings you socially accept by you friends who are. Also little bitches so lame they homeschooled
I'm 14 yay I know all about life I'm so cool.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 20, 2019
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The greatest Playstation/Xbox game ever. It kicks ass.
"Dude I was just playing the best game ever."

"What, GTA 5?"

"No you idiot, NHL 14"
by Moonrocks34 January 11, 2014
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