33 definitions by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan

Person 1: I've been looking at gacha NSFW lately
Person 2: WTFIWWY DUDE?!
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 14, 2021
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A ship refers to more-or-less wishing a relationship on two (or more) Characters.
If there is more than 2 characters in a ship it is called a polyamouros relationship (Idk if i spelt that right)
Person 1: Hey dude, Have you seen Zak and Darryl flirting with eachother?
Person 2: Yeah, I totally ship them with eachother, They just would be the cutest couple
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 15, 2021
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Person 1: Dude, My mental state is not good rn..
Person 2: Damn, That's a legit trainwreck
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 16, 2021
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Ft is an acronym for 'facetime'
Person 1: *Texting 2 'Wanna ft?'*
Person 2: *Replies 'Sure'*
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 15, 2021
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Another way to say "SUCK MY DICK" to someone
Mostly used in a Minecraft game like Bedwars and such
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 20, 2021
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Random Person Of Minecraft: "Hey shitass whanna see me phucking speed brid- How the fuck are you already there?"
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan January 10, 2022
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An odd character who has few close friends who overall is really nice but is a bit of a straight up bitch sometimes

(Pronounced Ez-May)
Person 1: Have you seen the new kid?
Person 2: Caleb?
Person 1: Yeah him
Person 2: Yeah, He's quite an Esme, Isn't he?
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 14, 2021
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